Cañas Racket


The main objective of our camp is "to educate children through the practice of sports", stimulating movement and passion for sports, values, integration and coexistence, healthy life and good habits and the development of social and emotional skills.


Tiny Tots

(3 – 5 years old)

This first stage of the child’s sports training is aimed at laying the foundations for a rich motor experience through play. Prepares the child for better learning in later stages.

Children will be introduced to tennis using the proper grips and technique for the basic strokes. These classes will develop balance, eye hand coordination, footwork and striking balls. This camp is geared toward beginners learning under the QUICK START format (short-court).

Quick Start

(5 – 8 years old)

This stage continues the integral development of the child, forming it through sports. In this stage, sport-specific tools are built through modern game-based methodologies. It is a stage where the systematic practice of tennis is deepened, with the aim of improving sports performance through continuous learning.


(Ages 9 & Up)

This stage continues the integral development of the child, forming it through sports. In this stage, sport-specific tools are built through modern game-based methodologies. It is a stage where the systematic practice of tennis is deepened, with the aim of improving sports performance through continuous learning.

Classes are designed to improve grips, strokes and footwork patterns through fun drills and skill competitions. Players with a good technical base will focus on strategy, match play and fitness. 



(Ages 9 & Under)

This Program is intended for those boys and girls who have advanced in the fundamental knowledge of tennis and seek to improve specific tools through our comprehensive method. During this program, players begin to have their first experiences with the rules and competitions of the sport.


(Ages 10 & Up)

This program is designed for those players who want to continue to evolve in learning new tools and begin to make their first experiences in the competition. Through the integral method, all the aspects that intervene in the learning of the sport and that lay the foundations of future tennis are promoted.

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